Trials of Ascension

Upcoming Test and Sneak Peek!

Greetings fans of Trials of Ascension! 

It’s been both a fun and harrowing few months as all of us have been busy creating, implementing, and testing various concepts and mechanics that will be in Trials of Ascension. Concepts like the Mawktopus which is ready to attack and kill players who step into its path, or quests that players will be able to accept in towns, or just some more fauna for the player to write down in their Bestiary. 

All of it along with the network is ready to be tested! It is because of this that we will be holding another test from August 8th to August 10th. Get your Alpha Passes ready as you prepare to test out molting, crafting various gear to use in combat against fauna or your fellow races, or just explore the continent of TerVarus! If that test also goes well and no bugs are found, you can expect that shortly after that testing phase, we will try putting it up for a full week and see if it can handle the battering of players eager to play a towering beast, a mage/warrior, or a poisonous arachnid!

But what can you expect? Well we’ve put together a small portion of what you can expect to find should you decide to explore TerVarus this weekend! Check out our Sneak Peek video to see new places, bosses, and towns to find!

Of course, that sneak peek is only a bit of what you can expect to find and encounter in TerVarus. If you wish to experience everything TerVarus has to offer such as combat, magic, building and more, then you can obtain an Alpha Pass and test with us on the above date! Join us on our journey and continue supporting us as we create and implement art, concepts, environments, and everything in between! 

Follow us on social media to stay up to date on our progress!


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